USPC Member Achievement Program


Each member registering for the Member Achievement Program must have a unique account and email address. If you are registering multiple members, please register one, LOG OUT, and then begin the process again. 

We are excited to have you join us for the USPC Member Achievement Program! Please fill out the form below and submit with payment to enroll. You can begin marking activities, events, and programs after enrolling to earn points. No points can be earned prior to your registration date.

Rules of Play

By participating in USPC’s Member Achievement Program, all participants acknowledge and agree to abide by these rules and regulations listed below.

Right to Refuse Entry

USPC reserves the right to refuse any entry.

Participation at Your Own Risk

Members understand that by entering in this USPC activity, they are participating at their own risk and assume responsibility for any injuries, accidents, or damages that may occur during the activity or event.

Code of Conduct

Don’t forget the USPC Pledge states, “I stand for the best in sportsmanship as well as in horsemanship…”. All USPC members are expected to abide by the Code of Conduct and display excellence in sportsmanship and horsemanship in any USPC activity or event.
